Flow Designer Experience API

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API Overview

This is a RAML 0.8 API Specification of the Flow Designer Experience API. It defines the operations to create and manage Mule Applications through Flow Designer.

The API enables you to work and handle the different resources when designing Mule Applications. The operations included are between the following.

  • List projects or create a new projects for a specific organization and owner.
  • Get an existing project and its details or delete an existing project.
  • Manage the worker for a given project, being able to deploy the application and promote it to another environment.
  • Fetch connectors published in exchange.

API Pre-Requisites and Dependencies:

  • The API requires a previous authentication. For every request, send the following headers that you can get from authenticating againts Core Services:
   -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
  • While working in the canvas, since the project is locked, every request needs it's session id
    -H 'x-session-id: <token>'
